
Is it even possible to balance work, school and life successfully? I don’t have human babies, only animals, so I have a lot less on my plate than some people. The whole world is so ready to tell everyone what they should be doing, when really, they are often talking to themselves. See? A million … Read more

Trying to Avoid New Hobbies

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am constantly trying to switch what I’m focusing on to do something else. If I’m not feeling like I’m expressing myself creatively, suddenly I need to buy into some new creative hobby instead of playing one of my many instruments or using one of my … Read more

I am Becca

Today is Saturday 3/9/2024. My name is Becca and I’m a 31 year of software engineer. I grew up and never left Vermont. I studied electrical engineering at Vermont Technical College and then switched to software after a few years of making circuit boards and writing firmware. Currently, I write full stack software for .NET … Read more